Getting back into the game of soccer after leaving Pittsburgh must've been massive for you. What can you say about this opportunity here in Mississippi, and what are your thoughts on this first week of training?
“Football has been my life since before I can remember. For the last 7 months I
haven’t had it in my life, and it's felt like something has been missing. This is the
longest I’ve gone without it. I’ve missed the game day butterflies. I’ve missed
building relationships with teammates. I’ve missed the competition. When I left
the Riverhounds, I thought I was guaranteed to play again. What I’ve learned is
nothing is guaranteed in this industry. I’m so thankful for Brilla giving me a
chance to at least enjoy football one last time, and at most, help me get back to
where I want to be as a professional footballer.”
“The first week has been an absolute joy. On the field, the level is high along with the intensity. But on a personal note, for the first time in 2 years I’m able to
genuinely enjoy my football. I couldn’t ask for anything more.”
How has the game of soccer intertwined with your faith?
“For the longest time, football was an idol in my life. I held it as more important
than my relationship with God. It’s not something I’m proud of, but it’s the truth.
The Lord has humbled me and reminded me of how much better He is than this
amazing game. So my hope is to make Jesus known while using soccer as a
means to do that."
"What I mean by that, is I hope I hold myself in such a way on the field that when difficult circumstances come up, my reaction is one where it is clear that my treasures are in Heaven and not in this world. On top of that, my
hope is to build such strong relationships with my teammates that I would earn
the right to share with them who Christ is and what he’s done for us in his life
death and resurrection.”
What is your favorite verse?
“While I have no 'life verse' or anything like that, I always think of Romans 5:8.
'For while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.' We don’t have to clean
ourselves up to come to Christ. He loves us where we are. But he also loves us
enough to never let us stay where we are as well. If we are in Christ. we will
change by his grace and work through the Holy Spirit. These two promises are
promises that provide so much rest for us who are in Christ Jesus.”