We need your help! Please join our campaign and help us reach our goals! We need you to tell your friends and family members about the important work we do and ask them to join us in helping to make a difference in our community.
Get ready to give! Our giving website is now LIVE and we have added 3 specific fundraising campaigns! In addition to our 1 Day MS Day of Giving campaign of $10,000 on Saturday, October 24, we have included additional ongoing fundraising campaigns: Urban Soccer Project and PDL Team. Over the coming days, we will be adding other campaigns, including a youth international mission trip. This is a great way for you to share our message with friends and family, and ask them to support Brilla Soccer Ministries. So, check out our giving website, and be sure to make a contribution to our MS Day of Giving campaign on Saturday, October 24: To view our fundraising site, CLICK HERE.
Questions? If you have any questions or would like more information, let us know. Thank you in advance for your generosity to our organization and this great community!
To learn more about Mississippi Day of Giving, check out this short video: